The Corona Chastisement: Consequence Of Our Vanity

Father John Jimenez has dedicated himself to meeting the spiritual needs of Roman Catholics in California. A resident of San Francisco, Father John Jimenez gave this message. “There are three ways to understand this shutdown. One, all of us, whether we are religious or not, whatever country, or economic level, large corporation or individual consumer, have benefited from the exploited labor under the Communist Chinese system. We turned a blind eye to this and making deals with the Communist government. So, now, common products that we use and and which contribute to our vanity are taken away, and practically useless.
Second, the Christian Churches, the Catholic Church, and other public organizations that purport to protect human rights failed to speak out about millions of Chinese people who languish in unsafe factories, prison camps, arrested and disappeared in the night, organs harvested….we did not speak out, we make compromises with the government to advance our growth in China, our vanity to say that our organization is growing (it’s marketshare in a sense).
Finally, the Catholic Church, in general, is now unable to celebrate mass or have access to the sacraments that the Lord desires to provide. This si taken away because we have turned the celebration of the mass into a stage show of vainglory, and positions in the church to as seats of power….the problem of many public organizations, churches, political groups, social service groups, is that we become addicted to power, similar to a drug addiction. So now, like helping a drug addict come off an addiction, the “fix” of power is taken away, until we learn to treat things of God, His sacraments, His Church, our coworkers and neighbors and family, as God’s gift, rather than as a posession. We can see current events in light of the Message of Fatima, her ultimate call to us to acknowledge our sins, and repent. The Corona Chastisement is God’s justice, but ultimately, so we may turn to his ways, and receive his Mercy.

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